Note: This site primarily serves as my personal knowledge base, where I document solutions and insights I’ve encountered. Some of it might even interest you! 😉
This section covers challenges and solutions I’ve come across while coding. It includes various programming languages and frameworks.
A collection of system-related topics, from command-line tricks to network troubleshooting. To keep things organized, I’ve divided them into categories.
Linux / Unix / macOS
- Set system time behind http proxy
- Create SSH port tunnel
- Debug Bash script
- Show connections and open sockets/ports
- Ubuntu: Apple Keyboard generates strange space character
- Use Linux behind a proxy
- Use mplayer in terminal
- Search in files
- Find empty directories
- Record traffic with tcpdump
- Use CrossOver in a shell script
- Mac won’t go to sleep
- Parallels - prl_disp_service won’t start
- VMWare Fusion - Network not available
- Limit network bandwidth
- Disable .DS_Store file creation on network drives
- Delete undeletable files
- PowerShell: Change encoding
- PowerShell: Natural Scrolling
- Reset Permissions to default
- Delete files oder than X days
- Import Windows Events into MySQL
Since data storage is a crucial part of software development, this section is dedicated to database-related topics.